GBS Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Global Business Screening is dedicated to protecting the privacy of its clients and their candidates; our commitment is shown in the Privacy Policy set out below.

Collection and Disclosure of Information
During the course of our inquiries, GBS will be provided with and in turn will provide sensitive personal information about individuals and companies such as, but not limited to, full name, date of birth, current and previous address, social security numbers, credit, employment, academic and criminal records.

Information can be received or released via telephone, fax, email, postal mail and secure electronic transmission.

GBS will only provide its screening services to companies who have a permissible purpose in seeking confidential information and will only disclose the information to secure Third Parties for two reasons:-

  1. To complete the requested search and provide the information required (e.g. criminal record history or running a credit search).
  2. As required by law or in the good faith belief that the information is required in order to comply with local laws and regulations.

Any personal information documentation gathered which may include, but not limited to, passports, driving licences, proof of address, reference information, and other credentials relating to an individual, will only be used for the express purpose of performing the requested background screening check.

All cases will be required to have a fully signed consent form from the individual clearly noting their agreement to the background screening check being carried out and its release back to the party requesting the search.

GBS will destroy all records of personal documentation within six calendar months however; the results of any credit verifications will be kept for a period of seven years to comply with the liability provisions of the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act).

Any information GBS receives will never be disclosed or sold to an outside entity.
This information privacy policy has been implemented and accepted by all members of staff and our screening network personnel regardless of their global location. All data shall be collected, stored and used in compliance with applicable law, which includes, but not limited to, the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, individual state privacy and background screening laws, the European Union Data Protection Directive and any other national or international law applicable.

GBS protects against the misuse or loss of personally identifiable information by only using industry accepted “SSL” encryption and prohibiting the access of said information to anyone other than GBS employees who need the information to complete their tasks.

Policy Changes
GBS reserves the right to revise this policy as needed. In the event of a revision being made we will notify our clients using announcements prominently displayed on the website.

Information Disclosure:  United States and Overseas.
When we prepare any consumer report or investigative consumer report, we commit to only sending information about the subject of the report outside the United States if our client asks for information from a jurisdiction outside the United States and in this case only enough information to complete the task will be sent.